What could happen if i did not reported an accident to DMV? - what happens accident report dmv
I had an accident 2 years ago, it was not my fault. I did not call the police and no report was written, and I have not forgotten a written report to the DMV, because I. Then a few days before IA tryed get the insurance and the accident took place on my hard drive. What can I do and what could happen? at the time of the accident, I had insurance and registration of Cedric and the other drivers as well and he gave me the information the insurance company pays me 1000 $ 00
Never has the obligation, an accident, the DMV report. In which country do you live?
When you record on your driving, according to press reports. Since this is not their fault, it will not affect your rates. If you are in a report to your insurance company at a time, it is likely that the report filed on their behalf.
Have never heard of it, to an accident on the DMV report directly. The message they receive when you receive a ticket. Well, if you had problems with insurance, is a little different. If your insurer pays a claim that in trying to get insurance will again. If your insurance does not pay, then you should receive the documents and provide your insurance in the class, because they may be incorrectly listed as an accident the blame.
usual or have problems, because there were no injuries ... the only way that the accident was registered in the register is UO heart, if someone had informed the police ... new accessories. Company can not only on the car of the Uruguay Round, and see that U had an accident ... for all you know ... u couldve got the car as well ... In addition to U $ 1000 got out of it ...
It all depends on what state you live .. it is necessary to see and what the limits of an accident in your country ... For example, in my state not more than $ 1500 is reported to ... somewhat below the care, as you may want to take ... Some people have reported, including an accident, the $ 100 compensation to an insurance company is, if ... If you tell me what you live state, I can tell you what it is ... Hope this helps ...
California law states that:
Accidents caused by December 31, 2002 that more than 500 damage must be reported to personal property and / or any other bodily injury or death within 10 days ... after 1 January 2003 slightly higher than the value of $ 750 and / or personal injury or death must report within 10 days ... If you respect this team is about CA that their license is suspended ... and independent of the debt, you must report the accident if it falls within the guidelines.
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